[OccupySheffield] [Occupy London] Re: [INT] Fwd: [Squares] MAYDAY! MAYDAY!

marknbarrett at googlemail.com marknbarrett at googlemail.com
Sun Jan 1 21:52:07 GMT 2012

All the info and history on the Democracy WG / Statement thus far is at http://occupylondon.info/viewtopic.php?f=47&t=112 if anyone wants to take any of this forward for/on Saturday in London,  as suggested by John,  or perhaps elsewhere in the country ! 'Permanent strike' referred to in John's mail below links to the Mayday international call out circulated earlier by myself, Anna and others  ;) 
Sent from phone

-----Original Message-----
From: John Bywater <john.bywater at appropriatesoftware.net>
Date: Sun, 1 Jan 2012 19:26:42 
To: <ragnhildfd at gmail.com>
Cc: <LondonInternationalCommission at groupspaces.com>; <liz.beech at virgin.net>; <elf at weirdigans.co.uk>; J L<hemipemi at hotmail.com>; <olsx.indymedia at gmail.com>; <marknbarrett at googlemail.com>; <occupylondon at groupspaces.com>; <occupysheffield at email-lists.org>
Subject: Re: [Occupy London] Re: [INT] Fwd: [Squares] MAYDAY! MAYDAY!

On 31 December 2011 21:56, Ragnhild Freng Dale <ragnhildfd at gmail.com> wrote:

> Woo revolution =) but things need to be in place etc in terms of structure
> before it happens. Can we do a meet/ga/working group about this ASAP? Like
> - 7th of January (saturday?)

Sounds good. Nothing is currently planned for Saturday. Perhaps we could
plan to have a Democracy GA, with this as the discussion.

Perhaps we could also revisit the Democracy WG initial statement, which I
think was basically fine apart from:

1. Don't amend the initial statement, but issue a separate statement.

2. Don't "call" for people hold people's assemblies, but rather "encourage"
people to hold assemblies (IMHO a rather odd distinction, which might not
actually still be necessary).

3. The so-called Outreach group wanted to go first D15? or something (but
they did that now so Democracy WG should not experience this impediment).

The GA might then be:

- consensus decision with amendments of the proposed initial statement
about people's assemblies from the Democracy WG (amended based on extensive
feedback from when it was blocked)
- discussion about the call for a permanent strike

How does that sound?

We can modify but it would be good to start getting something in place for

Best wishes,


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