[ptx] Building hugin on Mac OS X 10.3

Ippei UKAI ippei_ukai at mac.com
Mon May 31 15:59:06 BST 2004

Few days ago, I found hugin's homepage when I was looking for a photo 
I'm very interested in, and googled "hugin on mac OS X" and found 
Even though it is written for version 10.1, I proceed most of the 
process with 10.3.
Few minutes ago, I built hugin without compiler error for the first 
(Basically I am commenting out all the errors because I know nothing of 
wx API etc.)
The app starts up, displays the main window, and error message.
Here is the screenshot
By the way, anyone tried to build hugin with wx-gtk from fink?
I think it is easier. (I am just following the instruction above)

  >>> 鵜飼 一平  (UKAI Ippei)  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
   My general e-mail and AIM:  ippei_ukai at mac.com
   Homepage:  http://homepage.mac.com/ippei_ukai/

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